Monday, July 2, 2012

3 Year Old Burn Victim To Survive Because of Skin Cloning

The article I got my information from was:

First of all I just want to say that this little girl is a fighter. Burn victims rarely ever survive let alone make it out with the success she did. She received skin grafts nearly all over her body and did not die of an infection. That is really impressive. I am really happy that she will make it and be able to go home next week.
The reason this little girl is going to survive is because scientists were able to clone her skin using mice. This method of cloning is not as controversial as others, but people still debate it.  The word cloning is like the ding of a bell at a boxing match. It brings the fighter out in people, well the debater that is. In this case stem cells are not being used to clone the girls skin but the cells are replicating at a rapid rate. Quicker than they would be able to on her own body. There is a better success rate here because her own skin is being put on her body rather than a donated graph from someone else. This  3 year old  girl is able to survive because of the cloning methods used and no one else was hurt by it. I think that this is a true miracle and this method should always be used for burn victims and those in need of a skin graft.

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