Monday, July 2, 2012

Right to Die


Tony Nicklinson who had a stroke seven years ago now suffers from locked in syndrome in the UK. He thinks just like you or I would but can only blink his eyes. He expresses his desire to die over twitter where he describes what life has been like for him the past seven years. For a man who is locked into his own body we must feel sympathy for the man. While PAS is still controversial in the UK the man should consider moving to a country where PAS is not as controversial. The tweets that everyone can see are causing quite a disturbance though, so there may be hope for a change in the laws in the UK. Others are arguing that now that the man can use twitter he has something to live for. Imagine being locked in you own body and the only thing you can do is tweet about your life on twitter. I really doubt anyone would want to live that way. Someone should really help the man.

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